Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am officially a blogger, and a dork at that!

As you all know I have a sort of infatuation with my boys and what better way to keep everyone up to date then to have a Freeman Family blog. We will see how this works out, but if anything it will be comical.

We have been very busy lately, as I have been traveling pretty much weekly, of course Kent is so good with the boys they haven't had any issues. Friday I came home from a 3 day trip and low and behold Connor was sick. Since everything that went on in Nov I am a bit of a worry wart so I brought him to the doctor. He had a double whammy strep and some sort of virus...Yippee. So our weekend was comprised of being confined to our did we go stir crazy. Things kind of got back to normal, when Colin got sick! I know I should have expected it but sometimes things are just a bit comical in our life, it is always one thing after another.

Besides that, Connor starts his 2nd year of preschool next week, and soccer the following week. Colin is still our little bubba and keeps us laughing. To that I will say good bye until next time.


Unknown said...

You did a great job, I love it! I really liked the slide show, you might have to help me set up a Runge Family Blog :)

mlbarnes2009 said...

Kate- what a great way to share pics and info on you and the boys! I love it! Will be looking for more!


Christi said...

Yea! I love this blogging thing! Yours is blue...mine is pink- imagine that! The boys are adorable!

Emi said...

Love the blog...can't wait to hear more! Miss ya!